Thursday, December 6, 2007

A post drought

Eek! It's been two days since a post, and the intertron may never recover.

Dramatics aside, I was out of the building on Tuesday, watching my mother graduate from a Nursing program. We had a long conversation about the analogs between medicine and education. If teachers spent as much time as doctors on each student(patient) how the individual education would be much better, but more expensive and time-consuming.

We had a laugh at if we treated medicine as we treat education. 30 patients come into a room for 50 mins, while a single doctor attempts to treat all of their various conditions before they leave for 24 hours.

Yesterday, I set up the final pieces of equipment for the Dance Room sound system. I can't wait until that job is FINALLY done. It's been almost a year and a half since I first proposed it. Red tape makes me cry.

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